<> To be effective,is the job of the executive</P>
<P> 2、“认识你的时间”,只要你肯,就是一条卓有成效之路.</P>
“Know Thy Time” if he wants to, and be well on the road toward contribution and effectiveness.</P>
<P> 3、卓有成效是可以学会的</P>
<P> Effectiveness can be learned.</P>
<P> 4、卓有成效是一种习惯,是不断训练出来的综合体.</P>
<P> Effectiveness is a habit; that is a complex of practices.</P>
<P> 5、一个重视贡献的人,为成果负责的人,不管他职位多卑微,他仍属于“高层管理者”.</P>
<P> The man who focuses on contribution and who takes responsibility for results, no matter how junior, is in the most literal sense of the phrase,“top management”.</P>
<P> 6、谁必须利用我的产出,以使我的产出卓有成效?</P>
<P> Who has to use my output for it to become effective?</P>
<P> 7、有效的管理者在用人所长的同时,必须容忍人之所短。</P>
<P> The effectiveness executive knows that to get strength one has to put up with weakness.</P>
<P> 8、有效的管理者用人,是着眼于机会,而非着眼于问题。</P>
<P> They focus on opportunity in their staffing—not on problems.</P>
<P> 9、我们该知道运用自己上司的长处,这也正是下属工作卓有成效的关键。</P>
<P> Making the strength of the boss productive is a key to the subordinate’s own effectiveness.</P>
<P> 10、有效的管理者会顺应自己的习性,不会勉强自己</P>
<P> the effective executive tries to be himself, he does not pretend to be someone else,</P>
<P> 11、有效的管理者坚持把重要的事放在前面做,每次只做好一件事。</P>
<P> They concentrate their own time and energy as well as that of their organization—on doing one thing at a time, and on doing first things first.</P>
<P> 12、管理者的一项具体任务就是要把今天的资源投入到创造未来中去。</P>
<P> To commit today’s resources to the future.</P>
<P> 13、有效的管理者打算做一项新的业务,一定先删除一项原有的业务</P>
<P> The effective executive will slough off an old activity before he starts on a new one.</P>
<P> 14、决定优先要点的原则</P>
<P> 重将来而不重过去</P>
<P> 重机会而不只看到困难</P>
<P> 选择自己的方向,而不跟随别人</P>
<P> 目标要高,要有新意,不能只求安全和方便</P>
<P> 15、“专心”是一种勇气,敢于决定真正该做和真正先做的工作。</P>
<P> Concentration—that is, the courage to impose on time and events his own decision as to what really matters and comes first.</P>
<P> 16、有效的管理者不做太多的决策。他们所做的,都是重大的决策。</P>
<P> Effective executives do not make a great many decisions.They concentrate on the important ones.</P>
<P> 17、有效的管理者需要的是决策的冲击,而不是决策的技巧;要的是好的决策,而不是巧的决策。</P>
<P> They want impact rather than technique, they want to be sound rather than clever.</P>
<P> 18、有效的决策人,首先要辨明问题的性质:这是一再发生的经常性问题呢,还是偶然的例外?</P>
<P> The first question the effective decision-maker asks is:“Is this a generic situation or an exception?”</P>
<P> 19、要看“正当的决策”是什么,而不是“人能接受的”是什么。</P>
<P> One has to start out with what is right than what is acceptable.</P>
<P> 20、我们应该将行动纳入决策当中,否则就是纸上谈兵。</P>
<P> A decision will not become effective unless the action commitments have been built into the decision from the start.</P>
<P> 21、有效的管理者都知道一项决策不是从搜集事实开始的,而是先有自己的见解。</P>
<P> People do not start out with the search for facts, they start out with an opinion.</P>
<P> 22、决策的反面,是不做任何决策。
<P> The first rule in decision-making is that one does not make a decision unless there is disagreement.</P>
<P> 24、有效的的管理者会问:“我是不是真需要一项决策?”</P>
<P> There is one final the effective decision-maker asks:“Is a decision really necessary?”</P>
<P> 25、决策需要熬受痛苦</P>
<P> There is no inherent reason why decisions should be distasteful.</P>
<P> 26、有效管理者的自我发展,是组织发展的关键所在。</P>
<P> Self-development of the effective executive is central to the development of the organization.</P>
<P> 27、智力、想像力及知识,都是我们重要的资源。但是,资源本身所能达成的是有限的,惟有“有效性”才能将这些资源转化为成果。</P>
<P> Intelligence, imagination, and knowledge are essential resources, but only effectiveness converts them into results.</P>
<P> 26、今天的组织需要的是由一群平凡的人,做出不平凡的事。</P>
<P> The needs of large-sacle organization have to be satisfied by common people achieving uncommon performance.
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